Top list of things we must continue to do to fight until breast cancer is gone
October 3, 2015October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I want to make sure we continue to do all the things we can to fight against this nasty disease until it is completely gone.
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Believe that this can be beaten.
Believe that we have enormous help to fight this deadly disease.
Believe that we are determined & unwavering in our fight to do so.
Believe that we are standing together with a common goal.
Believe that the end of this disease is near.
Believe that we will not be deterred.
Believe that we will never think about giving up.
Believe that even with this disease we are strong powerful women.
Believe you are destined for greatness in the face of adversity.
Believe that breast cancer will be beaten, destroyed, eliminated, eradicated forever.
From me and the entire management team at Love Our Glamour, Inc., we salute all women who continue to believe.
Katrina Love
President & CEO