Glamour for the Everyday Woman

How to Choose the Best Lip Gloss


Finding a lip gloss that most accurately fits the lip color and lip tone one must be patient and experiment with different colors and brands. These tips can improve your chances of finding the gloss that most accurately fits your lips.

Experiment with Different Brands

There are various brands of lip gloss, and also the costs of those brands vary widely. A $7 lip gloss bought at an area pharmacy isn’t essentially inferior in quality compared to an $18 Poole lip gloss compact. You may appreciate the feel, smoothness of the gloss or feel its heaviness, stickiness, or icky-ness. High-end lip glosses do supply a super-glossy feel that virtually glides on the lips; there are inexpensive lip glosses like NYX or Glossier Lip Gloss which have an enormous assortment. Do your research to find the best brand that fits your lip color and even has a neutral smell.

Lip gloss does not last very long

– Reapply periodically to preserve the dye
– Some brands, even the most effective ones, fade off after a few hours
– Be unique and decide on a lip color that compliments your lipstick and helps longevity

RELATED: Bright Bold Lips

Tips for selecting

Choose a lip gloss based on your lip color since the color of your lips affects the color of the gloss applied to it. Never choose based on how it looks on other people. It may look good on them, but they may have thin, pale lips while another may have full thick lips. Lip gloss color show differently on different people. Your natural lip color will play an essential part of your lips. The pigmentation of the gloss is blended with your natural skin tone to arrive at how it looks, meaning continue to experiment with the best lipgloss color and brand until you have found the perfect match.

Just because it glitters isn’t always good

Make sure that the lip gloss feels comfortable. Lipgloss glitter that feels gritty or sharp should not be used. No matter what material used lip gloss should go on smooth. There is grittier lip gloss on the market and really should not be used as they are not healthy for great looking supple lips.

Be realistic; lip gloss gives lips a smooth shimmer; it does not provide anyone with kissable cottony-soft lips. Lip balms do that. Balms are not shiny. But it makes lips feel supple. Apply a balm over the lips first before putting on a lip gloss; this is to moisturize the lips. The lip gloss is supposed to be well, glossy.

Enjoy, Stay Beautiful
Katrina Love
President & CEO